If you want to overcome test anxiety and bombing on important tests like the ACT test, you have to first realize what causes test anxiety in the first place. There are three main causes of test anxiety. Understanding them will help you do much better on the any test.Psychological causes are the first problem leading to test anxiety. Whether it is being unprepared or past bad experiences, students go into the test defeated before they start. One key to defeating the tendency to bomb on tests is to understand that even if you guess on every single question, you'd still get a score of 14. Further understanding the key to having enough time to answer every single question, even with a guess, also goes a long way to defeat the psychological causes of test anxiety.
Have you been in the same situation before or just recently? If you have, you might possess this common condition called test anxiety. With this state, you will feel a great deal of nervousness before taking a test. Getting a bit nervous prior to taking the test is normal. Feeling this way can help in boosting your performance for the test. But this normal feeling of nervousness becomes intense for those people who have test anxiety. They become extremely anxious preventing them from concentrating on their test thus lowering the standard of their performance.
Poor study methods also contribute to test problems. When a student is primarily an auditory learner, who learns by listening, and has spent all his time studying like a visual learner, by just reading books, he has good reason to be nervous! Learning to study according to the style of learner you are is critical to having confidence going into the ACT test.
So if you want to overcome test anxiety that might cause you to bomb on the ACT test, keep in mind these three causes of bombing on tests and learn more by taking a good ACT test prep course that will teach you how to score your best on the ACT.
By the way, you can watch free 60 second ACT Test Tip Videos without having to give your name or email address by going here: ACT Test Tips.Studying for the ACT anywhere, online with short video clips makes the ACT a breeze.Perhaps you are approaching your senior year in high school, narrowing down your choice of schools, filling out applications and signing up for the SAT test. Most likely you are planning to take it more than once. Did your stomach just do a flip-flop thinking about the test? Are you worried about it because so much rides on how well you do?
Preparation Makes Test Anxiety Go Away.Coming to class every day is not enough for you to learn and perform well in tests. Beyond attending your class is the preparation perfected through developing suitable study habits. Cramming is never a good idea and always has negative as well as disappointing results. Regular study reduces test anxiety. As you study daily, you will have a better grasp of your lessons, making you more confident when the test comes.
In layman's terms, here is what happens when we are in a state of fear. The fear causes the amygdala in your brain to send out the message that it is fight or flight time! Cortisol, a stress hormone, gets released in your body, digestion is disrupted, and your heart rate increases to deliver more blood to the muscles in preparation for fight or flight. Finally, and most importantly, the functioning of the prefrontal cortex is disrupted. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for, among other things, decision-making and problem-solving. It is vital to test taking yet superfluous during flight or flight. Your subconscious mind which is in charge of this intricate system of survival does not know whether it is an actual or perceived threat. It just knows you fear and it responds accordingly. Overcoming anxiety is an important factor for doing well on the test.
Recognizing Your Need of Assistance.You need people in your life. Whether you need them for companionship, advices or for other things, you need to acknowledge that without them, life will be hard. In your struggles,there are people around you whom you can seek help from. Family members, teachers, counselors and friends are among the people around you that can contribute in solving your problem.
Mistakes as Part of Life.Everyone commits mistakes. Once you realize this, you will never look at mistakes the wrong way you were doing. Instead, you will treat them as learning opportunities. You can keep your mistakes in mind and be careful not to do the same next time. Mistakes you make in tests can encourage you to study more and do better. Slowly changing your view about mistakes will also gradually treat your test anxiety.
The Power of the Mind.Do not entertain negative ideas in your mind. Moreover, you should not think ahead of people. Sometimes, you tend to assume that people think negatively about you when in fact they are not. Focus more in your test and disregard what others think about you. You will find out that your test anxiety is relieved when you don't let yourself get affected by these thoughts.
Schedule it for first thing: Try to schedule your driving test first thing in the morning. That way you won't be dreading it all day. If you can't take it in the morning, stay busy with other things before the test to get your mind off it. Don't let yourself obsess.It's OK if you fail: Imagine, what's the worst that could happen if you do fail? You'd have to take it again, but with one real test under your belt as practice. Try to look at failure as an opportunity instead of a disaster. An earthquake is a disaster. Failing your driving test is an annoyance.Use the tips above and you will pass your driver's test with a minimum of driving test anxiety. Giving yourself adequate preparation time is the most crucial. Everything else is really just to help you relax. So prepare, relax, and you'll do great. You've got everything it takes. Just go in there and do it!
[Anxiety Test]
Have you been in the same situation before or just recently? If you have, you might possess this common condition called test anxiety. With this state, you will feel a great deal of nervousness before taking a test. Getting a bit nervous prior to taking the test is normal. Feeling this way can help in boosting your performance for the test. But this normal feeling of nervousness becomes intense for those people who have test anxiety. They become extremely anxious preventing them from concentrating on their test thus lowering the standard of their performance.
Poor study methods also contribute to test problems. When a student is primarily an auditory learner, who learns by listening, and has spent all his time studying like a visual learner, by just reading books, he has good reason to be nervous! Learning to study according to the style of learner you are is critical to having confidence going into the ACT test.
So if you want to overcome test anxiety that might cause you to bomb on the ACT test, keep in mind these three causes of bombing on tests and learn more by taking a good ACT test prep course that will teach you how to score your best on the ACT.
By the way, you can watch free 60 second ACT Test Tip Videos without having to give your name or email address by going here: ACT Test Tips.Studying for the ACT anywhere, online with short video clips makes the ACT a breeze.Perhaps you are approaching your senior year in high school, narrowing down your choice of schools, filling out applications and signing up for the SAT test. Most likely you are planning to take it more than once. Did your stomach just do a flip-flop thinking about the test? Are you worried about it because so much rides on how well you do?
Preparation Makes Test Anxiety Go Away.Coming to class every day is not enough for you to learn and perform well in tests. Beyond attending your class is the preparation perfected through developing suitable study habits. Cramming is never a good idea and always has negative as well as disappointing results. Regular study reduces test anxiety. As you study daily, you will have a better grasp of your lessons, making you more confident when the test comes.
In layman's terms, here is what happens when we are in a state of fear. The fear causes the amygdala in your brain to send out the message that it is fight or flight time! Cortisol, a stress hormone, gets released in your body, digestion is disrupted, and your heart rate increases to deliver more blood to the muscles in preparation for fight or flight. Finally, and most importantly, the functioning of the prefrontal cortex is disrupted. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for, among other things, decision-making and problem-solving. It is vital to test taking yet superfluous during flight or flight. Your subconscious mind which is in charge of this intricate system of survival does not know whether it is an actual or perceived threat. It just knows you fear and it responds accordingly. Overcoming anxiety is an important factor for doing well on the test.
Recognizing Your Need of Assistance.You need people in your life. Whether you need them for companionship, advices or for other things, you need to acknowledge that without them, life will be hard. In your struggles,there are people around you whom you can seek help from. Family members, teachers, counselors and friends are among the people around you that can contribute in solving your problem.
Mistakes as Part of Life.Everyone commits mistakes. Once you realize this, you will never look at mistakes the wrong way you were doing. Instead, you will treat them as learning opportunities. You can keep your mistakes in mind and be careful not to do the same next time. Mistakes you make in tests can encourage you to study more and do better. Slowly changing your view about mistakes will also gradually treat your test anxiety.
The Power of the Mind.Do not entertain negative ideas in your mind. Moreover, you should not think ahead of people. Sometimes, you tend to assume that people think negatively about you when in fact they are not. Focus more in your test and disregard what others think about you. You will find out that your test anxiety is relieved when you don't let yourself get affected by these thoughts.
Schedule it for first thing: Try to schedule your driving test first thing in the morning. That way you won't be dreading it all day. If you can't take it in the morning, stay busy with other things before the test to get your mind off it. Don't let yourself obsess.It's OK if you fail: Imagine, what's the worst that could happen if you do fail? You'd have to take it again, but with one real test under your belt as practice. Try to look at failure as an opportunity instead of a disaster. An earthquake is a disaster. Failing your driving test is an annoyance.Use the tips above and you will pass your driver's test with a minimum of driving test anxiety. Giving yourself adequate preparation time is the most crucial. Everything else is really just to help you relax. So prepare, relax, and you'll do great. You've got everything it takes. Just go in there and do it!
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