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The Best Sources Of Omega 3

By Jason Cooper

Food is a basic need just as shelter and clothing. There is need to indulge in a diet that has all the essential nutrients. This includes proteins, vitamins, minerals and starch. The body also needs omega three fatty acids. One will find these from the best sources of omega 3. Foods with this nutrient will help a person in a number of ways. Thus, they should be consumed on a regular basis. What is needed most is a balanced diet. On top of eating right, one should also exercise every day.

The leading cause of disease in the world is inflammation. This is blamed for a myriad of health conditions ranging from cancer to arthritis. The best way to fight inflammation and subsequently prevent diseases is by eating foods that are rich in omega three acids. These will also boost hormone production in an individual. Hormones facilitate normal body functionality thus they are needed.

There are plant and animal sources. Some people can eat both plant and animal products. However, there are those who are a hundred percent vegetarian. Such individuals will not want to see meat in front of them. A person who is not a vegetarian can obtain this nutrient from eggs. Eating the egg yolk will help the body in many ways.

There are also nuts and seeds that are rich in this element. One of them is hemp seeds. These also have other nutrients that will help in physical, emotional and mental development of a person. Flax seeds and walnuts are also recommended. These can be used in cooking foods. Alternatively, a person can take them raw. It all depends on personal preferences.

The number one source of omega fatty acids is fish. There are many types of fish. Some are harvested from deep waters while others from shallow waters. Fish is considered as white meat. Thus, it is good for the heart. Doctors recommend people to indulge in white meat instead of red meat. Fish has a wide array of benefits.

The most beneficial type of fish that is rich in this type of fatty acid is salmon. This is mainly harvested from Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is also found in rivers and lakes all over the world. One can prepare salmon in a number of ways. There is need to use a healthy food preparation method so that to preserve nutrients.

Cod liver oil is also highly recommended. This is oil that has been harvested from the liver of cod fish. There are many companies that sale products that have this oil. One should find the product of a highly reputable company. Such will be safe to the body and will offer maximum value for money. An affordable product will suffice.

Humans need the best omega three foods. These improve the quality of life. With the right foods, the state of the heart and the brain will improve. Thus, one will be at a lower risk of getting heart disease and neurological conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world.

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